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Google CMP and TCF v2 Support

Starting from January 16, 2024, it will become mandatory for publishers to employ a Consent Management Platform (CMP) accredited by Google. This platform must be compatible with the IAB's Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) for the purpose of ad delivery to users within the European Economic Area (EEA) and the UK. More information can be found here.

Create European Regulations Message in Admob

To present the Google CMP, you need to create and publish the Google GDPR message in Admob.

Minimum requirements:
  • Appodeal SDK version 3.2.1-beta.1
  • Make sure you haven't excluded AdMob from Appodeal SDK. It is included by default.

Please complete the following steps to do so:

  1. Log in to your Admob accout or create one using this guide.
  2. Click Privacy & messagingEuropean regulations → and press Create.
  1. In the next window press Get Started and Create a European regulations message.
  1. Select the apps and languages you want this message to be displayed in.
  • Default language: This message appears in the default language when the device language of the user is undetermined or when the user’s device language does not correspond closely enough with the chosen Additional Languages.
  • Additional languages: The message can be displayed to users in any of the Additional Languages that align with the user's device language. The languages chosen here should be consistent with the languages in which your app is available. You have the option to modify the message text for each of the Additional Languages.
  1. In the User choices section, make a decision for the Do not consent option. If it is enabled, than this message provide your users with a choice to not consent to your ad partners and your ad partners’ purposes with a single click on the first page of the message.
  1. (Optional) Enable the Close (do not consent) option to add a close icon to your message.
  1. In the Targeting section, select Countries subject to GDPR (EEA and UK).
  1. In the Message name field, enter a descriptive message name to help you identify the message later.
  1. Go to the Styling tab and make approproate changes to your message.
  1. Press Publish.