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iOS SDK 3.0.2 is outdated. The most recent stable version is here.
Version: 3.0.2

Rewarded Video

Rewarded videos are user-initiated ads where users can earn in-app rewards in exchange for viewing a video.

Manual Caching

By default, auto caching is enabled: Appodeal SDK starts to load Rewarded Video right after the initialization method is called.

The next Rewarded Video ad starts to load after the previous one has been closed.

To disable automatic caching for Rewarded Video, use the code below before SDK initialization:

Appodeal.setAutocache(false, types: .rewardedVideo)

If you need more control over Rewarded video ad loading, use manual caching. Manual caching for Rewarded videos can be useful to improve display rate or decrease SDK load when several ad types are cached.

To cache a Rewarded Video, use:


Read more on manual caching in our FAQ.

Checking If Ad Is Loaded

You can check if the ad has been loaded before showing it. This method returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the Rewarded Video has been loaded.

Appodeal.isReadyForShow(with: .rewardedVideo)

We recommend you to check ad caching before trying to show it.


Appodeal.showAd(.rewardedVideo, rootViewController: self)


Appodeal SDK allows you to tag each impression with different placement. To be able to use placements, you need to create them in Appodeal Dashboard. Read more about placements.

Appodeal.showAd(.rewardedVideo, forPlacement: placement, rootViewController: self)

If the loaded ad can’t be shown in a specific placement, nothing will be shown. If auto caching is enabled, the SDK will start to cache another ad, which can affect display rate. To save the loaded ad for future use (for instance, for another placement) check if the ad can be shown before calling show method:

Appodeal.canShow(.rewardedVideo, forPlacement: placement)

You can configure your impression logic for each placement.

If you have no placements or call with a placement that does not exist, the impression will be tagged with 'default' placement with corresponding settings applied.


Placement settings affect ONLY ad presentation, not loading or caching.


Callbacks are used to track different events in the lifecycle of an ad, e.g., when an ad was clicked on or closed. To get them, you need to set the delegate as follows:

// set delegate

Usually, the class that implements rewarded video ads is also the delegate class. That's why the delegate property can be set to self.

Now you can use the following callback methods:

extension YourViewController: AppodealRewardedVideoDelegate {
// Method called when rewarded video loads
// - Parameter precache: If precache is YES it means that precached ad loaded
func rewardedVideoDidLoadAdIsPrecache(_ precache: Bool) {


// Method called if rewarded video mediation failed
func rewardedVideoDidFailToLoadAd() {


// Method called if rewarded mediation was successful, but ready ad network can't show ad or
// ad presentation was too frequent according to your placement settings
// - Parameter error: Error object that indicates error reason
func rewardedVideoDidFailToPresentWithError(_ error: Error) {


// Method called after rewarded video start displaying
func rewardedVideoDidPresent() {


// Method called before rewarded video leaves screen
// - Parameter wasFullyWatched: boolean flag indicated that user watch video fully
func rewardedVideoWillDismissAndWasFullyWatched(_ wasFullyWatched: Bool) {


// Method called after fully watch of video
// - Warning: After call this method rewarded video can stay on screen and show postbanner
// - Parameters:
// - rewardAmount: Amount of app curency tuned via Appodeal Dashboard
// - rewardName: Name of app currency tuned via Appodeal Dashboard
func rewardedVideoDidFinish(_ rewardAmount: Float, name rewardName: String?) {


// Method is called when rewarded video is clicked
func rewardedVideoDidClick() {


// Method called when rewardedVideo did expire and can not be shown
func rewardedVideoDidExpired() {



All callbacks are called on the main thread.

Server-to-Server Callbacks

To secure your apps economy we offer S2S reward callbacks. To validate each reward, you need to set up a callback URL on your server that will receive the reward information. We will pass the user data to your callback URL, which you will need to validate and adjust the user balance accordingly.

  1. Create the reward callback URL on your server that will receive the reward information.

  2. Fill the created URL and the encryption key in the app settings in your dashboard.

  3. The reward callback will be sent to your URL using GET request with two parameters:

  1. Your URL should decrypt the data and validate it.

  2. Check impression_id for uniqueness and store it in your system to prevent duplicate transactions.

    To set user ID, use the Appodeal.getUserSettings(this).setUserId("User#123") method before SDK initialization.

We offer sample scripts in Go, PHP, Ruby, Java, Node.js, Python 3 and C# to decrypt the data. If you need samples in other languages, please contact our support team and we will provide them to you.

Getting Reward Data For A Specific Placement

To get reward details (currency, name and amount) for any placement, use the rewardForPlacement:(NSString *)placement method:

let rewardCurrencyName = Appodeal.reward(forPlacement:"placement").currencyName
let rewardAmount = Appodeal.reward(forPlacement:"placement").amount

Get Predicted eCPM

This method returns the expected eCPM for the cached ad. The amount is calculated based on historical data for the current ad unit.

Appodeal.predictedEcpm(for: .rewardedVideo)

Check If Ad Is Initialized

Appodeal.isInitialized(for: .rewardedVideo)

Returns true if the Rewarded Video has been initialized.

Check If Autocache Is Enabled


Returns true if autocache is enabled for Rewarded Video.