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AdConoly gives advertisers better results with video ads.

Minimum requirements:

Make sure you haven't excluded AdColony from Appodeal SDK. It is included by default.


For AdColony, you can use either Appodeal Default Account or you can connect your AdColony Account to Appodeal. You can read more about these options here

Appodeal Default Account: 

  • You need to full fill the requirements, which you can find in your App Settings -> Mediation Settings -> Line Items in your Appodeal account. 

Your AdColony Account: 

  • Complete the steps below to link your AdColony account

 Step 1. Prepare AdColony account

Visit this page to register a new account with AdColony.

 Step 2. Create a new AdColony app

 Step 3. Create zones for required ad types

Choose your app and press Setup New Ad Zone.


To create a rewarded video zone, choose the Full Screen ad type and Reward Users for Viewing an Ad (Full Screen Only) option.

 Step 4. Link your AdColony account with Appodeal


At this moment you have created app and zones on the AdColony network side.

Now you need to add the values on the Appodeal side to finish linking your account.

1. Go to the Mediation Ad Networks.

2. Find AdColony in the list of ad networks.

3. Click on the Link your account button.

4. Fill in the following data:

  • email address associated with AdColony,
  • API key.

5. Click the Create button.


API Key is a “Read-Only API Keys” in the AdColony account settings, it is located right after the password field.

Email is the email address that was used for the AdColony account registration.

 Step 5. Create line items for your app

1. Open App Settings.

2. Open Mediation settings.

3. Find the AdColony ad network.

4. Enter Adcolony App UUID. It can be found on the AdColony account, click on the Monetization tab, then choose the Apps tab and click on the required app. The App UUID is the last field in the basic app information list.

5. Create a new line item. Go to App settings →  Mediation Settings →  Line items -> Ad type:

Code is a Zone ID from zone settings (see the screenshot below).

Default eCPM should be set to 0, this network doesn’t allow choosing ECPM for a zone.


Keep the Add to configurations option enabled to add a line item in the waterfall once it’s created.

 Step 6. Update app-ads.txt file


Be sure to set up app-ads.txt to help bidders and advertisers identify whether or not ad inventory is being sold by authorized sellers.

  1. If you implemented the app-ads.txt file, you should add the AdColony account line. To get one, read the official documentation.
  1. After you have copied the lines from AdColony, you need to insert them after #AdColony line and replace ours (all lines in #AdColony section) with yours.
  1. Save changes and wait at least 24 hours for ad networks to crawl and verify your app-ads.txt file.

Now you can monetize with AdColony through Appodeal.