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Vungle is a great ad network, especially for video ads.

Minimum requirements:

Make sure you haven't excluded Vungle from Appodeal SDK. It is included by default.


For Vungle, you can use either Appodeal Default Account or you can connect your Vungle Account to Appodeal. You can read more about Network Accounts here.

Appodeal Default Account: 

  • You need to full fill the requirements, which you can find in your App Settings -> Mediation Settings -> Line Items in your Appodeal account. 

Your Vungle Account: 

  • Complete the steps below to link your Vungle account

 Step 1. Prepare Vungle account

Create a Vungle account using this link. Choose Monetization as a Job Position.

Confirm your account via email and go to the Vungle dashboard.

If you already have a Vungle account, skip this step.

 Step 2. Create a new Vungle app

Go to Dashboard, click on the Add Application button. If your app supports both Android and iOS platforms, you need to add each of them separately.

Select a platform for your app, add the app’s name. Choose the app’s state in the Store.

  • If the app is live in the store, choose My app is live and use a search field to add the link.
  • If the app is not live yet, you will receive test ads. You can connect the store link at any time later in the app’s settings.

If your app is designed for children under 13, tick the checkbox Disagree in Apps Directed Toward Children Under Age 13.

Click the Continue button.

 Step 3. Create placements for your app


Vungle banners and MREC are supported by Appodeal starting from Appodeal SDK 2.11.0+.

Select the ad type and fill the name of the placement. For rewarded video, choose "No" for a Skippable setting.

Click on the Continue button and click on the button I’ve already integrated the most recent SDK and press Sounds Good on the next page (see the screenshot below).

In order to get API Key from your Vungle account, click on the Settings button at the top-right corner, choose My Account and copy API Key:

Now you can add an email for the Vungle account and Reporting API Key for Appodeal.

  1. Go to Networks Accounts page.

  2. Go to Vungle and click on Link your account.

  3. Add email for Vungle account and Reporting API Key.

  4. Click on the Create button.

 Step 5. Create line Items for your app

Go to Applications on the Vungle side and click on App ID to copy.

Add Vungle App ID on Appodeal side. Go to Line Items in the app's settings and select the ad type. Choose your Vungle account and add the Vungle App Id.

Go to the App’s settings on the Vungle side and click on View All for placements (see the screenshot below).

Click on Placement Reference ID to copy.

Go to Line Items in the app's settings, and select the ad type.

Press the Add Line Item button, add Line Item label, Countries, eCPM, and choose either Default only or All configurations, add Code.


Code is a Vungle Placement Reference ID.

After creating all the line items, save the changes.

 Step 6. Update app-ads.txt file


Be sure to set up app-ads.txt to help bidders and advertisers identify whether or not ad inventory is being sold by authorized sellers.

  1. If you implemented the app-ads.txt file, you should add the Vungle account line. To get one, read the official documentation.
2. After you have copied the lines from Vungle, you need to insert them after #Vungle line and replace ours (all lines in #Vungle section) with yours.
  1. Save changes and wait at least 24 hours for ad networks to crawl and verify your app-ads.txt file.

Now you can monetize with Vungle through Appodeal.