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How often is the data updated?

In our reports, we collect metrics from 3 sources:

  • Appodeal SDK 

  • Ad Network Reports (Ad Network)

  • Traffic Attribution Reports (AppsFlyer)

Metrics that are only calculated based on Appodeal SDK data are updated in real time. Information on viewed ads will appear on the Dashboard within 10 minutes.

Ad Network revenue data is updated every 4-6 hours. This includes ad revenue data and all metrics calculated based on revenue (eCPM, ARPU etc). As new data arrives, ad networks may be updating their reports for the last 3 days.

Traffic source data is updated once a day. Thus, we not only have the data on new users and user activity, but also the traffic source.

As new data arrives, AppsFlyer may be updating their reports for the last 2-5 days.

What is the difference between Activity Date and Install Date filters?

Activity Date shows the statistics on all app users on selected dates.

Install Date only shows the statistics on the users acquired on selected dates, that is, the users who installed the app during the selected period. This is necessary for user acquisition analysis.

What is a cohort?

Cohort is a subset of users grouped by common characteristics.

For example, a cohort of users who installed the app on March 1. Or a cohort of users who installed the app on March 1 by clicking on the ad from AAA campaign.

For user acquisition analysis, you always select a certain group of users (a cohort). The cohort is most often selected based on the traffic source: ad network, campaign, country, ad creative or group of creatives.

Metrics displayed with both Activity Date and Install Date filters

New user acquisition metrics. When you view Spend with Activity Date on, you see your user acquisition spend on a given day.

When you view Spend with Install Date on, you see your spend per each cohort on a given day.

Installs (DNU Daily New Users): Number of installs (number of new people starting to use your app daily).

CPI (Cost Per Install): Cost of acquiring one user.

Spend: User acquisition spend.

IPM (Install Per Mille): Number of installs per 1,000 impressions.

UA CTR (click-through rate): The ratio of clicks to impressions.

UA Clicks: Number of clicks on ads.

UA Impressions: Number of ad impressions.

It must be noted that cohort analysis metrics such as Retention Rate, Cumulative Revenue, Cumulative ARPU and others will always use the Install Date filter.

What is a Summary Report?

It is a report where you can see the metrics you track on a regular basis and compare them to user acquisition metrics.

As an example, let's take a look at a report where you can see the following metrics for the previous week: where you can see the following metrics for the previous week:

  • Daily revenue
  • Daily Active Users
  • Daily Fillrate
  • Daily News Users
  • Daily CPI
  • Daily UA Spend
  • LTV Forecast (Cumulative ARPU) for users acquired on a given day.
  • ROAS Forecast for users attracted on a given day after 180 days of their activity in the app.

Even when Activity Date filter is on, cohort metrics Cumulative ARPU and ROAS Forecast will be calculated using Install Date filter with the same time selection as in Activity Date.

How do I see DAU and MAU for my apps?

How do I see ARPDAU and ARPMAU for my apps?

How does revenue forecasting work?

For more details, read Revenue Forecast article.