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In our reports, we collect metrics from 3 sources:

  • Appodeal SDK

  • Ad Network Reports (Ad Network)

  • Traffic Attribution Reports (AppsFlyer)

Aggregated metrics

Active users: The number of active users over a certain period. 

Total Revenue: Revenue from in-app ads and purchases. The formula is Ad Revenue + IAP Revenue 

ARPU (Average Revenue Per User): Average ad revenue per user. The formula is Total Revenue / Active users

ROAS (up-to-date) (Return On Ad Spend): Ratio of Total Revenue brought by the users acquired on a certain day, from the install to the present moment, to UA Spend . The formula is Total Revenue / Spend* 100%

Profit (Calendar): The difference between UA Spend and Total Revenue for that day or a selected period. The formula is Total Revenue - Spend


Impressions: Number of ad impressions displayed.

Clicks: Number of clicks on ads.

CTR (click-through rate): The ratio of clicks to impressions.

Requests: Number of requests.

Waterfall Requests: Number of ad display requests, i.e. the number of times ad waterwall has been requested.

Network Requests: Number of calls to the network when trying to fill an ad request . Even if there were 3 calls to Line Item of this network, only 1 Network Requests will be recorded for this case.

Line Item Requests: Number of calls to the ad unit when trying to fill an ad request.

Fills: Number of times ads have been received in response to ad unit or network requests.

Views: Number of times video ads have been viewed till the end.

Engagement Rate: Ratio of engaged users to active ones. The formula is Engaged users / Active users * 100%

Display Rate: The formula is Impressions / Fills * 100%

eCPM (effective cost per mille) : Revenue per 1,000 impressions. Since the cost of 1 impression is very low, the cost of 1,000 impressions is evaluated.

Fillrate: The formula is Fills / Requests * 100%

Engaged users: Number of engaged users. An engaged user is the one who has watched at least one ad during the day.

Ad Revenue: Revenue from showing ads.

Ad ARPU (Ad Average Revenue Per User): The formula is Ad Revenue / Active users

Ad ARPEU (Ad Average Revenue Per Engaged User): The formula is Ad Revenue / Engaged users

In-App Purchases

Paying users: Number of paying users. Total number of users who have made at least one in-app purchase.

IAP Revenue: In-app purchase revenue.

Number of Purchases: Number of in-app purchases.

Number of Purchases Per User: Average number of in-app purchases per user.

Number of Purchases Per Paying User: Average number of in-app purchases per paying user.

IAP ARPU (In-app Purchases Revenue Per User): Average in-app purchase revenue per user.

IAP ARPPU (In-app Purchases Revenue Per Paying User): Average in-app purchase revenue per paying user.


Session Length: Average Ad session length for the selected period.

Ad Session Length: Average Ad session length for the selected period. Ad session is period from session start to last shown impression.

Time per user (Average): Average time spent in the app per user.

Time per user (Daily): Average time spent in the app per user daily.

Time per user (Monthly): Average time spent in the app per user monthly.

Session per user (Average): Average number of sessions per user.

Session per user (Daily): Average number of sessions per user daily.

Session per user (Monthly): Average number of sessions per user monthly.

Impressions per user (Average): Average number of impressions per user.

Impressions per user (Daily): Average number of impressions per user daily.

Impressions per user (Monthly): Average number of impressions per user monthly.

Impressions per session: Average number of impressions per session.

Session Count (Total): Number of impressions for the selected period.


Installs (DNU Daily New Users): Number of installs (number of new people starting to use your app daily).

CPI (Cost Per Install): Cost of acquiring one user.

Spend: User acquisition spend.

IPM (Install Per Mille): Number of installs per 1,000 impressions.

CTR (click-through rate): The ratio of clicks to impressions.

Clicks: Number of clicks on ads.

Impressions: Number of ad impressions.

Cumulative Metrics

Cumulative metrics calculate the value for a certain day after app install .

Following days are available: Day 0 (install date), then days 1, 3, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90, 180, 270 and 365.

Metrics marked as Forecast are estimated values that may differ from the actual values in the future. More on how forecast is calculated.

Metrics marked as To-Date are actual values calculated based on historical data only.

Cumulative Revenue: Revenue brought by a user cohort on day N after app install. The formula is Cumulative Ad Revenue + Cumulative IAP Revenue

Cumulative ARPU (Cumulative Average Revenue Per User) (i.e. LTV): Average revenue per user on day N after app install. The formula is Cumulative Revenue / Installs

Cumulative Ad ARPU (Cumulative Average Ad Revenue Per User) (i.e. Ad LTV): Average ad revenue per user on day N after app install. The formula is Cumulative Ad Revenue / Installs

Cumulative IAP ARPU (Cumulative Average In-app Purchases Revenue Per User): Average in-app purchase revenue per user on day N after app install. The formula is Cumulative IAP Revenue / Installs

Cumulative IAP ARPPU (Cumulative Average In-app Purchases Revenue Per Paying User): verage in-app purchase revenue per paying user on day N after app install. The formula is Cumulative IAP Revenue / Paying users.

ROAS: Ratio of Cumulative Revenue for a certain day to UA Spend on that day. The formula is Cumulative Revenue / Spend * 100%

Profit (Cohort): UA profitability. The formula is Cumulative Revenue - Spend

Retention Rate: Share of users who continue using the app. Shows the percentage of users who were active on day N after app install.


  • On 1 March, 10 new users installed the app.
  • On 2 March, 5 of them were active.
  • On 8 March, 2 of them were active.

So, the Retention Rate for user cohort of 1 March is going to be:

  • 100% (10 out of 10) on D0 (1 March)
  • 50% (5 out of 10) on D1 (2 March)
  • 20% (2 out of 10) on D7 (8 March)

Effective Metrics

This metrics allow us evaluate user acquisition campaigns including organic uplift caused by this campaign.

  • Cumulative eRevenue: Revenue brought by a user cohort on day N after app install and organic revenue uplift caused by running this campaign.
  • Cumulative eARPU (Cumulative Effective Average Ad Revenue Per User) (i.e. eLTV): Average revenue per user on day N after app install. The formula is Cumulative eRevenue / Installs
  • eROAS: Ratio of Cumulative eRevenue for a certain day to UA Spend on that day. The formula is Cumulative eRevenue / Spend * 100%
  • eProfit (Cohort): UA profitability. The formula is Cumulative eRevenue - Spend
  • eInstall (effective install counts): Campaign install count and organic install uplift caused by running this campaign.