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Beta SDK notice: this is a Unity Plugin 3.2.1-beta.1 version, which fully supports iAB TCFv2 and Google UMP according to Google requirements. Use this version only if you use Google Ads, otherwise use our stable version. The latest stable release is Unity Plugin 3.2.0. All changes you can check in the changelog.
Version: 3.2.1-beta.1

Appodeal Plugin Manager

After integrating the Appodeal package using one of the comfortable ways from Appodeal Unity documentation, you will be able to see the Appodeal tab at the top menu bar of Unity Editor.

Plugin Configuration

The Configuration menu is related to simplifying the process of managing dependencies of the Appodeal package.

As you have chosen Appodeal SDK Full Package, please make sure you haven't excluded service dependencies.


We don't recommend excluding any dependencies, as some of them, for example, are required for the correct work of the Appodeal SDK. Having as many network dependencies as possible is recommended to increase your fill rate and revenue. Please ensure to integrate the dependencies marked as required below and don't exclude others without any worthwhile reason.

List Of Appodeal Dependencies

Dependency NameTypeDescriptionNecessity
AppodealDependencies.xmlCoreAppodeal core dependencyrequired
AdColonyDependencies.xmlNetworkAdColony dependencyoptional
AppLovinDependencies.xmlNetworkAppLovin dependencyoptional
BidMachineDependencies.xmlNetworkBidMachine dependencyrequired
GoogleAdMobDependencies.xmlNetworkGoogle AdMob dependencyoptional
IABDependencies.xmlNetworkDisplay Manager dependencyrequired
IronSourceDependencies.xmlNetworkIronSource dependencyoptional
MetaAudienceNetworkDependencies.xmlNetworkMeta Audience Network dependencyoptional
MyTargetDependencies.xmlNetworkMyTarget dependencyoptional
UnityDependencies.xmlNetworkUnity dependencyoptional
VungleDependencies.xmlNetworkVungle dependencyoptional
YandexDependencies.xmlNetworkYandex dependencyoptional
AdjustDependencies.xmlServiceAdjust dependencyoptional
AppsFlyerDependencies.xmlServiceAppsFlyer dependencyoptional
FirebaseDependencies.xmlServiceFirebase dependencyoptional
MetaDependencies.xmlServiceMeta dependencyoptional
SentryAnalyticsDependencies.xmlServiceAppodeal analyticsrequired
StackAnalyticsDependencies.xmlServiceAppodeal analyticsrequired

Manage Appodeal Dependencies

After adding the Appodeal package all the ad networks and services are added by default. Using the Configuration menu you can update, remove or import dependencies.

When a dependency is successfully added after importing the Appodeal package you can Remove it or Update it (if available), using the mechanisms in the Configuration menu.

The Remove option will remove all the files related to the specified dependency from your project.

In order to add the necessary dependency to your project in case it was removed, please use the Import option to add it.

In the Configuration menu, you can also update the Plugin version to the latest available release.

Update the SDK version for each platform not depending on the plugin version and update ad networks dependencies, not depending on an SDK version.